Innovative COPD therapy to preserve lung health
Our dNerva® Lung Denervation therapy is a one-time treatment to help preserve lung function, reduce exacerbations, and improve breathlessness in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
dNerva Targeted Lung Denervation
Procedure Highlights
One-time, outpatient procedure
Whole lung treatment
“Always on” bronchodilation
Lower risk of COPD exacerbations
dNerva Therapy Impact on COPD Patient Outcomes
After 2 Years 2
- Significantly lower risk of severe exacerbation
After 3 Years 21,22
Observed Clinical Stability:
- Stable quality of life after treatment
- Stable lung function after treatment
- Positive long-term safety profile
COPD Statistics
Clinical and Economic Burden of COPD
According to the CDC, COPD affects more than 16 million Americans.
increase in disease-related hospitalizations over the next 15 years in developed countries.23
COPD is responsible for $50B in annual direct healthcare expense with hospitalizations being the biggest driver of those costs.6,7,8,9
COPD patients from the UK showed a 14X greater risk of death in the year following a severe exacerbation.18
dNerva Lung Denervation System
The dNerva Lung Denervation System is a catheter-based system used to complete a one-time, out-patient, bronchoscopic procedure to disrupt nerve input to and from the lungs to reduce the clinical consequences of neural hyperactivity.

Current Therapies Aren’t Always Enough
Half of Patients on Optimal Medical Therapy Continue to Exacerbate
Prescribed medications are an integral component of managing COPD exacerbations, but optimal drug therapy is not always effective at preventing these exacerbations.10,11